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How to transfer Joomla from online server to local server

If a client, asks you to make changes to a Joomla site, you should tranfser the site locally to your wamp server and test the changes first. To do so:

  1. Install Akeeba backup on the online site.
  2. Go to Components / Akeeba Backup and press the Configuration button.
  3. On the Backup type, choose “Main site database only (SQL)”.
  4. Press save.
  5. Go to Components / Akeeba Backup and press “Backup Now”.
  6. Press “Backup Now”.
  7. Download the SQL database using FTP.
  8. In Wamp, open phpMyAdmin and press the “Databases” tab. Under “Create database”, enter in a database name such as “joomla_site”, and press “Create.”
  9. Import the database from step 7 into the local database from step 8.
  10. Download the site from the online server using FTP into the web directory for your WAMP installation (for example c:\wamp\www\my_joomle_site).
  11. Edit the local configuration.php so that it matches your local site.

Here are the changes you need to do in the configuration.php file:

public $host = 'localhost';
public $user = 'root';
public $password = '';
public $db = 'joomla_site';
public $log_path = 'C:\wamp\www\my_joomle_site';
public $tmp_path = 'C:\wamp\www\my_joomle_site';