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WooCommerce and Square

  1. Install and activate the WooCommerce Square plugin.
  2. Go to WooCommerce > Settings and click the Square tab.
  3. Click Connect with Square.
  4. Log in to your Square account. You must be the owner of the Square account to authorize WooCommerce to connect.
  5. Click Allow.
  6. Select That’s My Site – Redirect Me to return to your site.
  7. Go to WooCommerce > Settings and click the Payments tab.
  8. Click the checkbox right next to Square to enable it.
  9. Click the setup button.
  10. Select the Square location to link to this site. Locations are queried from Square and are only listed if they are Active and have Credit Card Processing enabled. To enable Credit Card Processing, you will need to go through the process of setting up your account, including verifying your identity. You can verify your identity in your Square dashboard under Setup Guide > Get Paid > Verify Your Identity.