Here is a list of the free WooCommerce plugins I use the most.
WooCommerce Google Analytics Integration
Compatible with CAOS, let you connect woocommerce with ecommerce section in analytics. Make sure that you enable ecommerce in analytics first.
Advanced AJAX Product Filters
Makes you add ajax filters using simple shortcodes.
Search by SKU for Woocommerce
The search functionality in woocommerce doesn’t search by sku by default. This simple plugin adds this functionality search facility of your site. Just install and activate – no config required. If search result returns only one product, than the product is shown at once.
WooCommerce Pay for Payment
If you want to add a fee for orders with cash on delivery (COD), then install this plugin. This plugin enables a field in the admin panel under any kind of payment to add a custom cost for any type of payment. The cost will be visible in the Check-Out page of the ecommerce site.
WooCommerce WooCommerce Smart COD
If you want more options for cash on delivery (COD), then install this plugin. For example, this plugin enables you to choose a country in which the COD (with it’s optional cost) will be available.
WooCommerce Discounts Per Payment Method
This plugin allows you to add discounts per payment methods. Just set a amount (fixed or %) to the payment methods you want to give discount and is ready! At the moment of payment the customer will be notified of discounts for each payment method.
Hide Shipping Method For WooCommerce
The plugin automatically hides all other shipping methods when “free shipping” is available during the cart/checkout process. It also includes an option to keep “local pickup” available alongside “free shipping”.
WooCommerce Wholesale Prices
Provides special pricing to wholesale customers in WooCommerce.
WooCommerce Cart Tab
Displays a sitewide link to the WooCommerce cart which reveals the cart contents on hover.
A big UX mistake on many eCommerce web sites is hiding access to the cart. The next logical step after adding a product to the cart is to buy it. Don’t frustrate your customers by making them search for the cart button!
Upon activationg this plugin will display a link to the WooCommerce cart which is visible sitewide and fixed in position so it remains visible wherever the user scrolls. When the user hovers over the tab, the full cart widget is displayed.
There are options (Catalog tab, WooCommerce settings) to display the cart tab on the right or the left, to use a light or dark skin to match your theme and to display the cart widget on hover or not.
If you want to add a scrollbar to your cart holder, then add into you css
.woocommerce ul.product_list_widget { max-height: 400px; overflow: auto; }
WP Admin No Show
You can use this plugin to prevent customers from accessing the WordPress admin dashboard. Install it, in the settings page, tick the “Customer” role, and tick the “Front page” to redirect them to the front page.
Checkout Manager for WooCommerce
Free and also let’s you add additional fields below order notes (outside of billing / shipping fields).
Timologio for WooCommerce
It adds invoice functionality to checkout per Greek standards. In detail:
- Ads required fields for invoicing in checkout page
- Displays field in admin order details
- Includes invoice fields in emails send to customers
Checkout Address Suggestion And Autocomplete For Woocommerce
Checkout Address suggestion and Autocomplete for woocommerce simplifies the checkout process helping your customers to enter their address with the Google Places suggest API. It will save time and prevent typing errors.
WooCommerce Product Details Customiser
Customise the appearance of the product details pages in WooCommerce. Allows you to customise WooCommerce product details pages. Show / Hide core components like product imagery, tabs, upsells and related products.
WooCommerce Sold Out Products
You can use this plugin if you want to create a page that displays only the products that are out of stock.
WooCommerce Wishlist Plugin
You can use this plugin to easily add a wishlist functionality in your WooCommerce site.
WooCommerce New Product Badge
A very simple plugin that displays a ‘new’ badge on products that were published in the last x days. X is defined on the catalog tab of the WooCommerce settings screen.
WooCommerce Thumbnail Input Quantities
Easily include a quantity input box on every product thumbnail to allows users to add multiple products to their cart at once.
Woocommerce Radio Buttons
Light-weight plugin that converts your Woocommerce variations into radio buttons.
WooCommerce Collapsing Categories
This plugin allows you to create an expandable list (accordion) of product categories and subcategories.
In order to choose the order of the list to be the same order as in the product category admin panel, just use name instead of id in the plugin settings.
Kadence WooCommerce Email Designer
Customize your WooCommerce emails easily!
WP All Import and WP All Import – WooCommerce Add-On
WP All Import is an extremely powerful plugin that makes it easy to import any XML or CSV file to WordPress.
Opening Hours
Show your venue’s opening hours, holidays and special openings to your blog’s visitors.
A WordPress plugin actually, but by using it’s functions is_open() and is_closed(), you can prevent access to specific WooCommerce pages, print a WooCommerce notice, etc.
WooCommerce Order Alarm
This plugin injects a stupid javascript injector that refreshes and observes your Woocommerce order list. If a new order exists, it plays an annoying alarm!
Bear in mind, that it may boost your bandwidth. To reduce bandwidth usage you can:
- Limit the machines in which you run the plugin.
- Make the interval of the refresh larger. The default is 30 seconds.
WooCommerce Conversion Tracking
Adds various conversion tracking codes to cart, checkout, registration success and product page on WooCommerce.
When you are integrating any advertising campaigns, they provide various tracking codes (mainly JavaScript) to insert them various pages of your site so that it can track how the conversion is happening.
This plugin inserts those codes on WooCommerce cart page, checkout success page and after user registration. So you can track who are adding your products to cart, who are buying them and who are registering to your site.
Multisite User Management
Running a WordPress network? You no longer need to manually add new users to each of your sites.
With this plugin, users are assigned a default role for each of your sites. You set the default role for each site and this plugin applies it.