How do I format PHP/HTML code?
Install PHP Intelephense.
How do I hightlight the matching tag of a div?
Install Highlight Matching Tag.
How can I clone a project?
1) File -> Open Folder and choose www
2) Go to View -> Terminal
3) You will see the command line
4) Write git clone ssh://username@myip:2222/reposfolder/repo/.git/
5) Give password for username
How do I add bookmarks?
- Go to the “Extensions” tab on Visual Studio Code and search for “bookmark”. Select this one named “Bookmarks” by Alessandro Fragnani
- Install!
- To add a bookmark in a file, right-click the left margin where you normally would add breakpoints within a file. The bookmark will reference the line you added it on, so this is especially helpful if you want to reference a specific line of code.
- Select “Add Bookmark”, or “Add Labeled Bookmark” to provide a description
- To navigate to the bookmark, click on the Bookmarks icon on Visual Studio Code
- The file and line where you added the bookmark are here! Click to navigate to that line of code.