MetaMod is a "Meta Module" – a module that includes other modules, according to a set of rules.
Download MetaMod.
Install the package into Joomla! in the usual way:
In the Administrator back-end of your site, click on the “Extensions–>Install/Uninstall” menu
Click on “Choose File”, select the file,
Click on “Upload File and Install”.
Setting Up MetaMod
With MetaMod you 'll control other modules. In order to do this, first of all, make sure that you open each one of these modules and in the "Menu Assignment" section, next to "Menus", select the radio button marked “None”.
Now, it's time to create a new MetaMod module.
In the Administrator back-end of your site, click on the “Extensions–>Module Manager” menu
Find the "MetaMod" module and open it.
Hide title if you wish.
Give it the “position” you want it to appear in
Set “Published” to Yes
On "menu Assignment" select "ON all pages".
Show modules on all submenus of a menu item
The specified modules will be shown on each of these menu items and any child menu items of these.
Show modules on all menu items on a complete menu (e.g. “mainmenu”, “usermenu” etc).
$menutype = $menu_genius->info("menutype"); if ($menutype == 'mainmenu') return WWW; if ($menutype == 'usermenu') return XXX; if ($menutype == 'menu3') return YYY; if ($menutype == 'menu4') return ZZZ; /* replace WWW-ZZZ with the module ids to display on those menus */