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WooCommerce DataBase

Let’s see some of the tables that WooCommerce uses in it’s database.


This is the table that your order details for each user are stored.


Each order is given a unique order ID. So, the rows in the table that have the same ID, all refer to the same order.


This field can take 2 values, line_item and shipping. Thev value line_item indicates that this order row refers to a product in the order while the value shipping indicates that this order row refers to the shipping method of the order.


If order_item_type has the value of line_item, then this field takes the name of the product.

If order_item_type has the value of line_item, then this field takes the name of the shipping method (eg. Free Shipping).


This is the table that the meta data for each one of your rows in the wp_woocommerce_order_items are stored.