- Log in to the Simplify Platform.
- Go to Account Settings and set Show Sandbox Data to On. With this you will be able to see your testing transactions later on.
- Go to Account Settings > API keys and generate a new sandbox API key. Name it as you like and make sure that tick Enable hosted payments.
- Login to your WordPress site.
- Install and activate Mastercard Payment Gateway Services – Simplify plugin.
- Go to WooCommerce > Settings, click Payments tab, enable WooCommerce and NBG Simplify payment and click manage.
- Tick Enable Sandbox Mode and insert your 2 API keys from step 3.
- Now it’s time to make some test transactions.
- You can use the test cards here.
- Make some payments in your site. Make sure that you make at least on Successful and one Declined payment. You can see the results of the transactions in Simplify > Transactions > Payments.
- Log in to the Simplify Platform.
- Go to Account Settings > Data Export and click Download file.
- Email this file to NBG and wait for their approval.
- Now it’s time for a real transaction. Go to Simplify > Account Settings > API keys and generate a new live API key. Name it as you like and make sure that tick Enable hosted payments.
- Inside WooCommerce, detick Enable Sandbox Mode and insert your 2 API keys from step 14.
- Make a real trascation with a small amount (eg. 0.01 euros).