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WooCommerce and NBG Simplify

  1. Log in to the Simplify Platform.
  2. Go to Account Settings and set Show Sandbox Data to On. With this you will be able to see your testing transactions later on.
  3. Go to Account Settings > API keys and generate a new sandbox API key. Name it as you like and make sure that tick Enable hosted payments.
  4. Login to your WordPress site.
  5. Install and activate Mastercard Payment Gateway Services – Simplify plugin.
  6. Go to WooCommerce > Settings, click Payments tab, enable WooCommerce and NBG Simplify payment and click manage.
  7. Tick Enable Sandbox Mode and insert your 2 API keys from step 3.
  8. Now it’s time to make some test transactions.
  9. You can use the test cards here.
  10. Make some payments in your site. Make sure that you make at least on Successful and one Declined payment. You can see the results of the transactions in Simplify > Transactions > Payments.
  11. Log in to the Simplify Platform.
  12. Go to Account Settings > Data Export and click Download file.
  13. Email this file to NBG and wait for their approval.
  14. Now it’s time for a real transaction. Go to Simplify > Account Settings > API keys and generate a new live API key. Name it as you like and make sure that tick Enable hosted payments.
  15. Inside WooCommerce, detick Enable Sandbox Mode and insert your 2 API keys from step 14.
  16. Make a real trascation with a small amount (eg. 0.01 euros).