The options are not saved when you press the save button
If have a lot of options, than if you press the save button you may see the following message:
There was a problem with your action. Please try again or reload the page.
If you open your browser’s console you may see the following message:
Warning</b>: parse_str(): Input variables exceeded 1000. To increase the limit change max_input_vars in php.ini.
Solution 1
To fix this, download your php.ini from your root folder, and change (or add) the following line:
max_input_vars = 5000
Reupload it and you’re set!
If you cannot find the php.ini file in your root folder then:
- Login in to your cpanel.
- In the Advanced section, press the PHP Configuration button.
- Press set custom php.ini.
- Press Apply changes.
A php.ini will be created in your root folder.
Solution 2
Add this line in your .htaccess file.
php_value max_input_vars 5000