Xmap is a powerfull Joomla 1.6 extension based on the popular Joomap component. Xmap allows you to build your sitemap by using the structure of your menus.
- Download and install Xmap.
- Go to Administrator Panel -> Components -> Xmap.
- Press the New button (on upper-right corner).
- Give a title to your sitemap (ie. my sitemap) and from the right column select the menus you want to add to the sitemap.
- Press save and close.
- Press the [XML Sitemap] button next to the sitemap that you created. A new page opens that shows the sitemap. Copy its address (ie. http://www.mywebsite.com/index.php?option=com_xmap&view=xml&id=1).
- Go to your Google Webmaster Tools and add this sitemap address.