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Create a sitemap using Xmap

Xmap is a powerfull Joomla 1.6 extension based on the popular Joomap component. Xmap allows you to build your sitemap by using the structure of your menus.

  1. Download and install Xmap.
  2. Go to Administrator Panel -> Components -> Xmap.
  3. Press the New button (on upper-right corner).
  4. Give a title to your sitemap (ie. my sitemap) and from the right column select the menus you want to add to the sitemap.
  5. Press save and close.
  6. Press the [XML Sitemap] button next to the sitemap that you created. A new page opens that shows the sitemap. Copy its address (ie.
  7. Go to your Google Webmaster Tools and add this sitemap address.